Little brother / ; By Doctorow, Cory.

Format:After being interrogated for days by the Department of Homeland Security in the aftermath of a major terrorist attack on San Francisco, California, seventeen-year-old Marcus, released into what is now a police state, decides to use his expertise in computer hacking to set things right.
ISBN:0765319853 | 9
Publisher:New York, NY : Tor,
Physical Details: 382 p. ; 22 cm.
Record No.:8505
Type/Format Call Number Location Due Date Last Seen Barcode
02. English Fiction F DOC Westisle Composite High School 2019-11-19 WCHS27886
02. English Fiction F DOC Englewood School 2018-09-12 ENGL8806
02. English Fiction F DOC Westisle Composite High School 2012-01-25 WCHS27279
02. English Fiction F DOC Charlottetown Rural High School 2016-01-28 CRHS16212
02. English Fiction F DOC Charlottetown Rural High School 2015-04-08 CRHS16395
02. English Fiction F DOC Charlottetown Rural High School 2020-01-06 CRHS16396
02. English Fiction F DOC Kensington Intermediate Senior High 2022-06-24 KISH7364
02. English Fiction F DOC Montague Regional High School 2013-06-03 MONT15732
02. English Fiction F DOC Morell Regional High School 2012-12-06 MRHS6399
02. English Fiction F DOC Summerside Intermediate School 2023-06-27 SISX20590
02. English Fiction F DOC Westisle Composite High School 2018-12-12 WCHS27057